The Aravo Evaluate Engine

Having a single, centralized view of third-party risks and scoring means you can easily manage a higher volume and complexity of risk assessments, prioritize actions, and eliminate blind spots, user bias, and inconsistency.

Aravo’s Evaluate engine is an automated, out-of-the box tool that allows organizations to assign weighted, individualized scoring to distinct risk elements within and across risk categories. It enables customers to isolate and aggregate relevant risk scores to best inform assessments, prioritization, and risk mitigation.

With this additional evaluation and scoring clarity, Aravo customers can more simply centralize, manage, and scale their TPRM programs. Explore our datasheet to learn more about how Aravo’s Evaluate engine is:

  • Customizable to your distinct risk appetite
  • Accommodates business outcomes
  • Provides risk scoring at the entity and engagement level
  • Reportable for individual third parties, and in aggregate
  • Trackable and auditable

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