Managing Through Crisis: Lessons Learned From the Street to the C-Suite

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From natural disasters, weather anomalies, and violent insurrection, to global pandemics, a rise in the opioid crisis, supply chain scarcity…and the list goes on, the human experience over the last few years has been to manage through unprecedented crises. 

Catastrophes of epic proportion have strained companies and their employees, forcing them in real-time to make decisions affecting their staff large and small.  In this session, panelists will examine strategies for managing through the most challenging conflicts.  Panelists with military, law enforcement, and corporate backgrounds will discuss practical frameworks for approaching the most difficult challenges.

Webinar - Fabiana Lacerca-Allen

Fabiana Lacerca-Allen
SVP, CCO Aimmune

Webinar - Randy Bagwell

Randy Bagwell
Senior Director, International Services, American Red Cross

Webinar - Major Donna Kinsey

Major Donna Kinsey (RET)
Founder and President, TEC III – Training Enhancement Center

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